User control panels (u.c.p.) – Ecler ECLERNET MANAGER User Manual

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10.1. Introduction

From EclerNet Manager application itself, you can create remote control panels for the system
(hereinafter UCPs) to manage one or more MIMO88, NZA or NPA units in a facility. Each panel can
consist of one or more pages that include graphics, text, volume controls, buttons, VU meters, LED
indicators, and so on. In this way each remote user may have his own control panel(s) custom tailored to
his needs and privileges, and in one system, users with a very simple control panel can coexist with
others, more complex and having higher levels of authorization.

A panel can be public (anyone can use it) or associated with one or more user accounts created in the
project. In this last case, it requires a user name and a password to remotely operate it.

UCPs are created within an EclerNet project and stored as part of it, within the User Control Panels
folder in the Project Explorer window:

Once UCPs are created, the computer running the EclerNet Manager application becomes a web server
and UCPs can be called and operated remotely by devices that act as web clients. Web clients can be
computers or tablets running an Internet browser application (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla
Firefox, etc..), Android OS devices (tablets, smartphones) or even Apple devices (iPhone, iPhone, etc.. ).
Any of them can recover and operate UCPs pointing to the web server computer's IP address. If a single
computer acts as both a web server and a web client, it's still possible to use the IP address
(the loopback standard) to operate UCPs of the project EclerNet Manager is running. You can even run
EclerNet Manager in minimized and protected mode so that the system user sees and manages UCPs
only when a single computer acts as web server and web client.
