Grass Valley Profile Mix Effects Upgrad 100 Fibre Channel User Manual

Page 44

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PDR 100 Fibre Channel Installation


PDR 100 Fibre Channel Installation

8. From the Board I/O Requirements and Restrictions, Table 3, note that:

a. The Slave EDR board requires two inputs and two outputs and must be

adjacent to the Master EDR board.

b. The Master EDR board requires two inputs and two outputs and must be

adjacent to both the Slave EDR and the Fibre Channel boards.

c. The Fibre Channel board does not require inputs or outputs but must be

adjacent to the Master EDR board.

9. Looking at your Board Location Chart reveals that slots J13, J14, and J15

meet requirements for all three boards.

10. For the Slave EDR board:

- Put Xs in the 1 and 2 Input blocks for J13.
- Put Xs in the 1 and 2 Output blocks for J13,
- Write Slave EDR in the Boards column for Slot J13, and install the board.

11. For the Master EDR board:

- Put Xs in the 1 and 2 Input blocks for J14.
- Put Xs in the 1 and 2 Output blocks for J14.
- Write Master EDR in the Boards column for Slot J14, and install the board.

12. Write Fibre Channel in the Boards column for slot J15 and install the board.

• Your Board Location Chart would then look similar to Table 5, “Example 1

- Installing the Fibre Channel Upgrade,” on page 45.
