Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference User Manual

Page 41

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Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference



MCT debug commands


Brocade# rstp_txRSTP(T=25704)(vlan=20,port=1/15) Tx on CCEP, MCT peer is superior

rstp_txRSTP(T=25704)(vlan=20,port=1/15) Tx on CCEP while MCT peer is superior and

UP, abandom&

Brocade# rstputil_mct_handle_incoming_BPDU(T=25705, VLAN=20,port=1/7)


no CLUSTER CCP_FSM(T=25713): Fsm12 sending keepalive

CLUSTER CCP PEER(T=25713): Make keep alive message ->

CCP_PKT(T=25713): Sending Keep Alive message to peer

CCP_PKT(T=25713): Packet Info:0100000c000000080003000400000057

debug crstp_txRSTP(T=25724)(vlan=20,port=1/15) Tx on CCEP, MCT peer is superior

rstp_txRSTP(T=25724)(vlan=20,port=1/15) Tx on CCEP while MCT peer is superior and

UP, abandom&

lurstputil_mct_handle_incoming_BPDU(T=25725, VLAN=20,port=1/7)


If the debug cluster all command is disabled, the output similar to the following is displayed.

Brocade# no debug cluster all

MCT:: disabling all debugs

CLUSTER ALL debugging is now OFF

debug cluster ccp

Syntax: [no] debug cluster ccp [fsm | tcp | packets | itc | client | events | memory]

fsm - Enables CCP FSM debugging for a given peer IP or all peers.

tcp - Enables CCP TCP debugging for a given peer IP or all peers.

packets - Enables CCP packet debugging for a given peer IP or all peers.

itc - Enables CCP ITC debugging .

client - Enables CCP client related registration debugging.

events - Enables CCP events debugging.

memory - Enables CCP memory debugging.

This command enables debugging of all CCP FSM messages, CCP client registrations, CCP packet
exchanges from clients, Keepalive messages and notifications, data buffer usage, and specific
peer-related message exchanges. Command output resembles the following example.

Brocade# debug cluster ccp

CLUSTER CCP debugging is on for all

============= Packet Receive =======================

SX_4#CCP_PKT(T=104981): Receiving Packet from peer

CCP_PKT(T=104981): Packet


CCP_PKT(T=104981): Receiving Packet from peer, appId=4


CCP_PKT(T=104981): Packet


CCP_PKT(T=104981): Passing packet to app 4 (cluster=1,mac=2,stp=4)

CCP_PKT(T=104981): Packet


================= Packet passed to specific client ======================

ccp_pass_pkt_to_client()(T=104981): cluster id 1, peer ip=168430082, STP msg

CLUSTER CCP: free data buf allocated packet count 1 buffer 21a215e8

CLUSTER CCP:internal free data buf allocated packet count 0 bufer 21a215e8

CLUSTER CCP:internal alloc data buf allocated packet count 1 buffer 21a215e8

CLUSTER CCP:alloc data buf allocated packet count 1 buffer 21a215e8
