Axel Remote Management V2 User Manual

Page 93

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Axel Remote Management


- InfoStatFolder: default folder for information/statistics files.
- IPAutoUpdate: automatically updating (or not) HostIP when the

Windows IP address had been modified.

- LanguageFile: language filename.
- LocalRSHPort: base for finding a free RSH TCP port.
- MoreSendSetupInfo: enhanced dialog box for send set-up command.
- Passwd: AxRM password (encrypted).
- SetupFolder: default folder for set-up files.
- TelnetCommand: pathname and name of the emulator.
- TelnetFont:font size for the AxRM embedded emulator.
- TelnetOption: emulator parameters.
- TelnetThirdParty: using or not a third party emulator.
- RemoteControlEncrypt: encryption type of the remote control session.
- RemoteControlTimer: inactivity time-out of the remote control session.
- UseArchiveSetup: automatic back-up of terminal configuration files.
- UseHookMenu: using or not the XP-like menu component.
- XMLport: TCP port for XML-based administration commands.

Note: we strongly advise to not modify the registry yourself.


A.5.1 - AxRM Terminates After the Splash Screen

When running AxRM the splash screen is displayed then AxRM terminates.

AxRM execution is aborted by the DEP module (Data Execution Prevention). The DEP
module does not recognize AxRM and prevents it from running.

Two methods can be used to fix this problem:

1. Set AxRM as a trusted software:

In the control panel click on "system". On the "Advanced" tab, under
Performance, click "Settings". On the "Data Execution Prevention" tab:
- either select the option "Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and
services only"
- or check the "Axel Remote Manager" item. Reboot the server to make this
change take effect.
