AASTRA SIP-DECT (Release 1.8)-Installation- and Administration Guide EN User Manual

Page 56

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Installation, Administration and Maintenance



Page: 56 (104)

Preparation by OMM WEB service

After adding a PP configuration to the OMM the PP must be subscribed. The
OMM must first be enabled to allow subscriptions to be take place from PP
handsets. This is done by pressing the following button’s on the Portable
Parts OMM web page.

• Start button of section “Subscription with configured IPEIs’”

This button enables the subscription for the next 24 hours.


• Start button and time interval of section “Wildcard Subscription”

This button enables the “Wildcard Subscription” for the selected time.
After expiry the “Subscription with configured IPEIs’” is still enabled for
24 hours.

To ease the first installation of a DECT system, the subscription is enabled
permanently while at least one PP (with IPEI) is set up within the database
and no PP is subscribed. After successful subscription of the first PP the
subscription will still be enabled for 24 hours.

Subscription steps, done by PP

After the PP configuration is complete on the OMM and the OMM is allowing
new subscriptions, each PP must subscribe to the system.

On each PP handset, the administrator or user must subscribe to the SIP-
DECT system through the System/Subscriptions menu. The specific PARK
code for the SIP-DECT system should be entered in order to subscribe to the

IMPORTANT: the PARK code in numeric format can be found at the top-right
corner of the Portable Parts OMM web page. Each SIP-DECT deployment
will have a unique PARK code that was provided with the OMM Activation kit.

If the administrator configured a global or individual Portable Part DECT
authentication code, the administrator/user must enter in the code before the
PP will subscribe to the system.

In case of Wildcard Subscription, please note that an additional ID may be
configured (see sub chapter Wildcard Subscription), which has to be typed

If administrators/users have any difficulties subscribing to the SIP-DECT
system, it is recommended that they power-off the PP handset and reattempt
subscription again.

This completes the subscription process for a PP on the SIP-DECT system. Subscription

with configured IPEI

The PP data to be assigned to the subscribing PP are identified by the IPEI.
Furthermore the IPEI leads to a further guarantee not to receive none
authorised subscriptions even if AC is not set as a mean to achieve security.

To enable subscriptions, please press the “Start” button of section
“Subscription with configured IPEIs’”:
