KROHNE BM 102 Handbook User Manual

Page 25

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4. Define device interface: type F4 or left-click on “F4-Serial” at the bottom of the screen - to

define the interface to which the device is to be connected.

Serial Port

The serial port allows the user to select a free serial port (COM 1 to 4) on the

BM102 Address

Type the “Address” that you have given a gauge (a value between 0 and 15)
and press ENTER or OK. This will select the required device. If you are in a
point to point network leave the box at its default value (-1).

Device Identifier

Device Identifier refers to the “Device number” given in User Function No.

Initial baud rate

Transmission rate of data. Has a default value of 1200 bd.

RTS state

The RTS state depends on the type of RS232 converter used. For
RS232<>HARTTM(i.e. VIATOR from MACTEK) use inversed RTS state.

5. On-line connection with the gauge: Press F2 or left-click on “F2-Connection” to set up the

connection with the device - the configuration parameters are automatically loaded into the

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