Stability criteria, Auto read, Section 3—auto read – Thermo Fisher Scientific Eutech 2700 Series User Manual

Page 10: Stability, Criteria, Backlight, 6 stability criteria

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Stability Criteria

The 2700 allows adjustment of the Stable indicator which relates to how fast and

frequent it appears. There are three levels of adjustment;


To display a ‘Stable’ reading more quickly and more often, use “FAST” setting.

MEDIUM or SLOW is recommended for most applications. When Auto Read is

enabled, a stability criteria setting of “SLOW” is recommended to for best results.

SLOW: The Stable indicator will take longer to appear and will appear less

frequently. Use this setting if you want the best results and don’t mind waiting

longer to get them.
MEDIUM: This is the factory default setting. It provides a balanced response

which works best for most applications.
FAST: The Stable indicator will appear quickest of any setting. If you find that the

Stable indicator frequently appears and disappears, you may want to select a

slower setting. This setting is not recommended when AUTO READ is enabled. It

is also not suitable for most non-refillable electrodes which are generally slower to


Auto Read

If AUTO READ is enabled, the measured value will automatically lock

when the Stable indicator appears. A flashing “AR” icon confirms this

condition. To resume a live reading again, it is necessary to press


each time Stable appears. Disable this feature to continuously view the active



Select “

PERMANENTLY ON” on to keep the backlight on at all times that the

meter is powered on. This will offer the best visibility but consumes the most

Select “

ON WITH KEY PRESS” to turn on the backlight for a specified time after

any key press. Select “0” to keep the backlight off at all times that the meter is

powered on.
