DAVIS FMS 3.9.3 DriveRight (8186) User Manual

Page 69

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DriveRight FMS Help

Info Window

This window displays additional information when you click on any trip marker.

For more detailed instructions on all of the controls and features of Google Maps, go to Basics -
The Google Maps User Guide


If you are using Google Earth as your mapping tool, a Day Map includes the following key
elements (click any heading to display more detail):

Navigation Controls

Use this tool to navigate left, right, up, or down, or to zoom in or out in the Google Earth window.
You can also click and drag anywhere on the 3D map to move it in any direction, or use your
keyboard's up, down, left, or right arrows to move north, south, east, or west, respectively.
Because the Google Earth map is a 3D image, when you "pan" in any direction, you are
presented with an image that simulates that you are rotating on the Earth's axis.

A detailed explanation of how to use the "North-up" button, the Look and Move joysticks, and the
Zoom slider are listed below the image.

