Satin stitching, Dial settings, Adjusting stitch length – SINGER 714 Graduate User Manual

Page 26: Adjusting thread tension

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satin stitching




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Stitch Control in FINE Area


As the Dial Is Rotated, Stitches Close Up


Satin stitching, a series of closely spaced zig­
zag stitches that form a smooth, satin-like sur­

face, is useful for both practical and decorative
work. The plain zig-zag stitch, for example, is

suitable for bar tacks and applique when
closed up to form a satin stitch. The f/ex/-

Stftch patterns, however, have a single stitch

length setting (STRETCH) and cannot be satin-


When you wish to produce a satin stitch, make
a test sample first so that you can adjust the
stitch length and threa6 tension properly. Soft
fabrics may require a backing to ensure firm
satin stitching. Crisp lawn or organdy is suit­

able for this purpose. For best results use the

special purpose foot.


Pattern: Plain Zig-Zag I
Needle Position:

A *

Stitch Width: a to $
Stitch Control: In FINE area

Zig-Zag Throat Plate
Zig-Zag Foot or

Special Purpose Foot (see note)

Adjusting Thread Tension

Adjusting Stitch Length

1. Set stitch control dial at bottom of FINE


2. Run machine at SLOW speed.

3. Gradually turn dial downward until stitches

are closely spaced and form a smooth sur­

Adjusting Thread Tension

Satin stitching requires less tension than
straight stitching or open zig-zag stitching.

Furthermore, the wider the satin stitch, the

lighter the tension on the thread must be. No­

tice the stitching on your sample. If the fabric

is puckered, lower the needle-thread tension
by turning the tension dial to a lower number.

NOTE: For best results in satin stitching, the spe­

cial purpose foot is recommended {available for

purchase, see page 47).


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