Hypertherm Duramax Hyamp Long Handheld Torches User Manual

Page 57

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Duramax Hyamp Long Handheld Torches Service Manual 808290


4 – Component Replacement

5. Verify the gas hose fitting’s flange aligns with the slot in the handle. See Figure 17, above.

6. Verify the strain relief aligns with the strain relief slot in the handle. See Figure 17, above.

7. Compress the trigger spring into the front half of the trigger. Slide the trigger and spring into place.

8. Make sure the cap-sensor switch connector and the pilot terminal screw (encased in heatshrink) are completely

inside the extension tube.

9. Being careful that the handle and gas fitting flange do not pinch the wires, align the left half of the handle with the

right half.

10. Install the handle screws loosely, and verify that the:

Trigger pivots are both located in the trigger pivot holes by pulling the trigger a few times. (See

Figure 17,


Flat square grooves on the extension tube align with where the handles meet. (See

Figure 5 on page 45.)

Wires are not pinched where the handles meet.

11. Tighten the handle screws to 15.0 kg∙cm (13 inch∙pounds).

12. Reconnect the torch and gas supply, and turn ON (I) the power.
