1 setting up a descriptor profile, 2 modifying a descriptor profile, 3 deleting a descriptor profile – Enterasys Networks VHSIM2-A6DP User Manual

Page 97: Setting up a descriptor profile -63, Modifying a descriptor profile -63, Deleting a descriptor profile -63

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Traffic Management Screen

Local Management


3.18.1 Setting up a Descriptor Profile

To set up a descriptor profile, perform the following steps:

1. Use the arrow keys to highlight the Profile Index field.Use the space bar to toggle, or enter the

number of the index to be described.

2. Use the arrow keys to highlight the Profile Name field. Enter the desired name.

3. Use the arrow keys to highlight the Traffic Category field. Use the space bar to toggle to select

the desired category. The choices are UBR (default), CBR, nrt-VBR, or ABR.

4. Use the arrow keys to highlight the Transmit Units field. Use the space bar to toggle to select

the desired units of measure. The choices are Cells/Second (default), Mbits/Second, and

5. Use the arrow keys to highlight the Peak Cell Rate (PCR) field, or other traffic parameters that

display, such as SCR, MBS, MCR, RIF, or RDF. Enter the desired numers.

6. Use the arrow keys to highlight the SAVE command. Press ENTER to save the new descriptor


3.18.2 Modifying a Descriptor Profile

A descriptor profile can be modified by performing the following steps, as in the procedure in

Section 3.18.1


1. Use the arrow keys to highlight the Profile Index field. Use the space bar to toggle, or enter the

number of the index to be described.

2. Highlight only the desired parameters to change by using the arrow keys to highlight the field.

3. Once the correct parameters have been changed, use the arrow keys to highlight the SAVE


4. Press ENTER and the descriptor profile will be updated and the changes saved.

3.18.3 Deleting a Descriptor Profile

To delete a descriptor profile, perform the following steps:

1. Use the arrow keys to highlight the Profile Index field. Choose the number of the index to be

deleted. Verify by checking the Profile Name to ensure that the correct profile is chosen to

2. Use the arrow keys to highlight the DELETE command. Press ENTER. The profile will be

deleted and will open up the index number for future use.
