Configuration window, See “configuration window” on, Title bar – Yamaha DME User Manual

Page 287: Objects, I/o component

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Chapter 4 Designer

DME Designer Owner’s Manual


Configuration Window

The Configuration window is used for arranging components on the sheet and making logical
connections. It is displayed when you double-click on a DME or SP2060.

Title Bar

Displays “Device name (Zone name/Device Group name/Configuration name).” The configuration
window using Configuration1 for a DME64N placed in Device Group1 of Zone1 will be “DME64N
(Zone1/DME Group1/Configuration1).” The device name is set in the properties for the device
placed in the Zone window.


Objects such components, user modules, and shapes are arranged in the Configuration window.
When you double-click a component placed in the window, the editor set in “Double Click Action”
in “User Module Properties” will open.

I/O Component

Depending on the settings for the DME placed in the Zone window, I/O components will be
automatically placed or added.
• I/O components can be arranged in the DME24N, DME Satellite and SP2060 configuration


• When “Show Cascade Port” is ON in the DME64N “DME Device Properties” dialog, Cascade I/O

is added automatically.

• When you set a slot in the properties for a DME placed in the Zone window, Slot I/O will be

automatically added.

You cannot apply edit operations like cut/copy/paste/duplicate to I/O components, Slot I/O, and
Cascade I/O.


SP2060 configurations cannot be edited.

Tool Bar



User Module



I/O Component
