5 mounting dimensions, Mounting dimensions, 5mounting dimensions – Metrohm NIRS Analyzer PRO User Manual

Page 24

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Mounting Dimensions

The Analyzer PRO dimensions are as shown. Note that the dimensions are in “hard Metric”. The inch
conversions are very close, but will be less exact.

This view shows the
distance to the viewing
window, as measured
from the side.

Note the mounting
flanges shown on either
side of the drawing –
these are detailed below.

The front view shows
overall dimensions, as
well as the height to
each flange.

The critical dimensions
are those to the
sampling point – the
sample window must be
in the correct position to
take spectra of the

Be sure to leave room for
electrical connection.

Flange mounting
dimensions are shown.
Leave room for
attachment of Tri-clamps
by installation personnel.
