ADS Environmental Services Model 4000 530017 A0 User Manual

Page 124

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ADS Model 4000 Manual

pressure depth sensor, A-4

sensors, 2-7

processor board, A-2

confirmation, 4-17, 5-3

ultrasonic depth sensor, A-3

connecting sensors to the monitor,


velocity board, A-5

standard installation, 3-3

Doppler velocity sensor, 2-11

Doppler velocity sensor, 3-15

troubleshooting, 5-18

mounting sensors to the ring, 3-13

inspection, 5-5

pressure depth sensor, 3-16

installation, 3-3

ring, 3-17

Doppler velocity sensor, 3-15,


ring assembly, 3-5
ultrasonic depth sensor, 3-14

pressure depth sensor, 3-16, 3-


standard ultrasonic depth, 2-9
surcharge mount, 3-26

ring assembly, 3-5

switch settings

special, 3-20

monitor ID, B-2

standard, 3-3
ultrasonic depth sensor, 3-14, 3-

23, 3-26


mounting to the ring, 3-13
pressure depth, 2-10

telephone cable

pressure depth sensor

preparing for connection to

lightning protection module, 4-

troubleshooting, 5-20

scrubbing, 5-5
securing cables in the

pipe/manhole, 3-44

running between monitor and

service locations, 4-2

securing cables to the ring/band,


wiring to lightning protection

module, 4-11

ultrasonic depth, 2-7

wiring to monitor, 4-7

ultrasonic depth sensor

telephone service

troubleshooting, 5-13

installation, 4-2

smart depth, 2-9

connecting ground wires, 4-12

special installation, 3-20

installing the ground rod, 4-4

Doppler velocity sensor, 3-28

laying telephone cable between

the monitor and service
locations, 4-2

pressure depth sensor, 3-28
ultrasonic depth sensor

standard mount, 3-23

mounting lightning protection

module, 4-5

surcharge mount, 3-26

specifications, A-1

preparing the telephone cable,


4000WR, A-1
depth board, A-4

wiring lightning protection

module to network interface
box, 4-13

Doppler velocity sensor, A-5
lightning protection board, A-6
lightning protection module, A-6

wiring telephone cable to

lightning protection module,

modem board, A-3
monitor, A-1
