Explanation – Yokogawa Button Operated MV2000 User Manual

Page 142

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• The progress indicator only appears in the memory summary.
• Pressing ESC will remove the progress indicator for about 10 seconds, but it will reappear

after that.

• The estimated times for the completion of the ALL SAVE operation (when the internal

memory is full) are listed below. The operation may take longer depending on what other
operations the MV is performing.

Memory Option

Time for ALL SAVE Completion (estimated)
CF Card

USB Flash Memory

Standard memory
(internal memory suffix code -1)
Large memory
(internal memory suffix code -2)

About 4 min

About 10 min

About 5 min

About 15 min

• To cancel the ALL SAVE operation,

Press FUNC and then the Save Stop soft key.


• Saving Data

• Each time you save data, the MV will create a new directory to store the data in.
The directory name structure is: Specified character string_YYMMDD_HHMMSS

(The values of YY to SS are determined by the date and time of operation)

Save directory

File list example

• You cannot save display or event data when it is being recorded.
• The save operation simply copies the data in the internal memory. It does not

change the classification of data in the internal memory from unsaved to saved (see
section 1.5, “Saving to External Storage Media,” for details).

• Saving will stop if there is not enough space in the external storage medium. When

saving data, make sure that the external storage medium has enough free space.

• When saving a single file:

The generated folder name is: name of the destination directory_date_time

The file is saved after you select SELECT SAVE in DATA SAVE MODE.

You cannot switch save folders while in DATA SAVE MODE.

If a file with the same name already exists, an overwrite confirmation window appears.

5.9 Using the Memory Summary

This manual is related to the following products: