Reviewing the pair operation window, Filtering – HP XP Continuous Access Software User Manual

Page 178

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7 Performing XP Continuous Access Journal Pair Operations

This chapter discusses using the Pair Operation window of XP Continuous Access Journal.

“Reviewing the Pair Operation Window” (page 178)

“Creating a Pair of Data Volumes (Paircreate)” (page 181)

“Displaying Detailed Information about a Pair of Data Volumes” (page 186)

“Changing Options for a Data Volume Pair” (page 190)

“Splitting a Pair of Data Volumes (Pairsplit-r)” (page 191)

“Restoring a Pair of Data Volumes (Pairresync)” (page 192)

“Releasing a Pair of Data Volumes (Pairsplit-S)” (page 195)

“Creating a Point-in-Time Copy of Data Volumes” (page 197)

“Recovering a Pinned Track” (page 197)

Reviewing the Pair Operation Window

To perform remote copy operations with XP Continuous Access Journal, you must create pairs of
a primary data volume and a secondary data volume. A primary data volume is a data volume
to be copied. A secondary data volume is a data volume that is the copy destination for a primary
data volume. To manipulate pairs of these data volumes, use the Pair Operation window of XP
Continuous Access Journal.

Note: This manual sometimes uses the term volume pair when referring to a pair of a primary data
volume and a secondary data volume.

Filtering Information in the List in the Pair Operation Window

Use the Display Filter window (

“Display Filter Window” (page 179)

) to filter information in the list

in the Pair Operation window. The list will shows only the volumes that satisfy certain conditions.

To filter information in the list in the Pair Operation window:


In the Pair Operation window (

“Pair Operation Window” (page 122)

), select Display Filter.


Use the Display Filter window to specify information that you want to see in the list.


Click Set to close the Display Filter window.

The list in the Pair Operation window shows only the specified information.


To restore the list to the default status (that is, the status before filtering), select Reset in the
Display Filter window and then Set in the same window.

If you change settings in the Display Filter window, the changes remain in effect during the
XP Continuous Access Journal session until you reset the settings.


Performing XP Continuous Access Journal Pair Operations

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