MagTek MagneSafe V5 User Manual

Page 26

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MagneSafe V5


For the KB USB model, all data will be sent in upper case regardless of the state of the caps lock
key on the keyboard. If no data is detected on a track then nothing will be transmitted for that
track. If an error is detected on a track, the ASCII character “E” will be sent in place of the track
data to indicate an error.

For the encrypted fields, the original binary bytes are encrypted using the DES CBC mode with
an Initialization Vector starting at all binary zeroes and the PIN Encryption Key associated with
the current DUKPT KSN. This is done in segments of 8 bytes. If the last segment of the original
data is less than eight bytes long (track data only), the last bytes of the block will be set to binary
zeroes before encrypting. When decrypting track data, the End Sentinel can be used to find the
actual end of the data (ignoring the final zeroes). Each byte of encrypted data is then converted
to two bytes of ASCII data representing the Hexadecimal value of the encrypted byte (many of
the encrypted bytes will not have values in the ASCII character range).

When the reader is in Security Level 2, the factory default settings cause the data to be
transmitted in the SureSwipe format (see MagTek manual 99875206).

The card data format for all programmable configuration options is as follows:

[P32] [Tk1 SS] [Tk1 Masked Data] [ES] [P33]
[P32] [Tk2 SS] [Tk2 Masked Data] [ES] [P33]
[P32] [Tk3 SS] [Tk3 Masked Data] [ES] [P33]
[P35] [Reader Encryption Status]
[P35] [Tk1 Encrypted Data (including TK1 SS and ES)]
[P35] [Tk2 Encrypted Data (including TK2 SS and ES)]
[P35] [Tk3 Encrypted Data (including TK3 SS and ES)]
[P35] [MagnePrint Status]
[P35] [Encrypted MagnePrint data]
[P35] [Device serial number]
[P35] [Encrypted Session ID]
[P35] [DUKPT serial number/counter]
[P35] [Encryption Counter] (optional, off by default)
[P35] [Clear Text CRC]
[P35] [Encrypted CRC]
[P35] [Format Code]

The characters and fields are described in the list below. The Property ID (e.g., P30) is the
decimal value of the property ID in the command list (see Pre Card String).
