Format code property (kb, bullet, uart, rs-232), Es track 1 property (kb, bullet, uart, rs-232) – MagTek MagneSafe V5 User Manual

Page 60

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MagneSafe V5


This property is stored in non-volatile memory, so it will persist when the unit
is power cycled. When this property is changed, the unit must be reset (see
Command Number 2) or power cycled to have these changes take effect.

Format Code Property (KB, BulleT, UART, RS-232)

Property ID:


Property Type:



4 bytes

Get Property:


Set Property:


Default Value:



This property specifies the Format Code that will be returned at the end of a
transmitted card swipe. The application sends four characters, but only the
last three will be set. The first character is reserved for MagTek use. A value
of ‘0’ in the first character means the Format Code is defined by MagTek; a
value of ‘1’ in the first character means the Format Code is user defined.

This property is stored in non-volatile memory, so it will persist when the unit
is power cycled. When this property is changed, the unit must be reset (see
Command Number 2) or power cycled to have these changes take effect.

ES Track 1 Property (KB, BulleT, UART, RS-232)

Property ID:


Property Type:



1 byte

Get Property:


Set Property:


Default Value:

0xFF (use ES property)


This character is sent as the end sentinel for track 1 with any format. If the
value is 0 no character is sent. If the value is in the range 1 – 127 then the
equivalent ASCII character will be sent. If the value is 0xFF then the value of
the ES property will be used instead of this property.

This property is stored in non-volatile memory, so it will persist when the unit
is power cycled. When this property is changed, the unit must be reset (see
Command Number 2) or power cycled to have these changes take effect.
