Bio-Rad Quick Start™ Bradford Protein Assay User Manual

Page 6

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such as some detergents, flavonoids, and basic
protein buffers, stabilize the green neutral dye
species by direct binding or by shifting the pH
(Compton and Jones 1985, Fanger 1987).
Nevertheless, many chemical reagents do not
directly affect the development of dye color when
used in the standard protocol and the more
common reagents are listed in Table 1. The
microassay is compatible with lower concentra-
tions of reagents




than listed in Table 1 due to

the larger sample volume-to-dye ratio. Since every
protein-chemical reagent combination has not
been assayed, it is possible that some of the list-
ed reagents interfere in combination with certain
proteins. However, with respect to proteins such
as bovine serum albumin (BSA) and bovine


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