Attendance record storage option, Duplicate punch period (m), Camera mode – FingerTec FMM-100 User Manual

Page 19: Display user photo

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Attendance Record Storage Option

Each time verification is performed on a device; a transaction log will be stored inside the
terminal. These logs need to be managed to maintain the effectiveness of the devices.
However, you can only setup rules to control attendance capturing and storage.

Press Menu






Select type of rules to configure

Duplicate Punch Period (m)

In the event that you want to consider all clocking activities within the predefined time
interval once only you can use this setting. For example, if the IN time is 9:00am and the
time interval is 15 minutes, any verification done by the same ID within the 15 minutes
will be considered as a same record, taking the first time he/she clocks in. The maximum
number of minutes that can be entered is 60.
Press key button to insert the minute value.

Camera Mode

These are only available on models which has a camera such as the Face ID Series and
I-Kiosk 100 Plus. The device(s) captures real time photo while the employee is being veri-
fied at the device. Photos can be stored in the device to be downloaded into the software
for checking purposes at a later time. There is a total of 5 options for photo capturing
and storing:

• No Photo:

Device does not capture any photo during verification process.

• Take Photo, No Save:

Device captures and displays the photo on screen. The photo is

not stored on the device.

• Take Photo and Save:

Device captures and displays photo on screen. The device stores

all photos captured.

• Save on successful verification:

Device captures and displays photo on screen. However

device only save photos of successful verifications.

• Saved on failed verification:

Device captures and displays photo on screen. However

device only save photos of failed verifications.

Display User photo

You can set the device to display a photo of the employee after a successful verification.
A success verified indicator will appear on the screen after his/her ID and name has been
verified. You can transfer photos from the software to the device.

This should really be enabled if you would like the device to display the employees’
photo on screen.
