Digital Alert Systems DASDEC-II MANUAL User Manual

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Digital Alert Systems: DASDEC User Manual


The Master license key should be pre-configured. If not, you need to obtain a Master key from DAS enter it
in the field on the left side of the Master License Key box.

 When the Master key is valid, you can configure the DASDEC II decoder.
 Without a valid Master key, you can only configure a subset of the basic DASDEC II features. This

includes the network, a new server name, and security features, like the Web interface login
password and forced https access.

Encoder (Origination)
A second product license key controls the Encoder alert origination functionality. Once a valid Encoder key
is enabled, you can configure and use the DASDEC II encoder to run general alert origination. Decoder-only
configurations do not need this feature enabled. Decoder only configurations can only issue Weekly tests.

Analog Video Out
This option unlocks DASDEC II Video Details page output feature.

TV Features
This option unlocks support for television specific features. This includes specific serial port protocols geared
toward video display.

Plus Package
This option unlocks support for a set of features specific to broadcast. This includes various options for
handling Manual forwarding and using GPIO for forwarding control. Together with the TV Features license,
features specific to broadcast TV are enabled. This includes Manual Forward Text review/edit and network
control of Chyron CODI Digibox character generators.

Broadcast Multistation 5 and 2 Features
When Broadcast features are licensed, two more options are available for licensing Multistation mode.
Multistation 2 supports EAS control and management of two radio and/or TV stations from one DASDEC II,
while Multistation 5 supports up to five radio and/or TV stations from one DASDEC II.

Cap Standard
Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) Software Option for DASDEC directly handles CAP v1.2 messages to
ensure compliance with FEMA/IPAWS profile 1.0 requirement for text and audio processing.

CAP Plus
Common Alerting Protocol (CAP)-Plus Software Option for DASDEC directly handles all currently specified
CAP v1.2 messages; (text, audio, images, etc.) as well as 2 full years of in-version upgrades to ensure
compliance with FEMA/IPAWS profile 1.0 requirements “ includes support for automatic Text-To-Speech
translation of alert text, and basic, single-voice, Text-to-Speech license.

CAP Canada NAAD Decode
This allows you to decode National Alert Aggregation & Dissemination System (NAAD System) national
alerts in Canada.

EAS NET (Incudes DVS168)
This option unlocks EAS NET decoding on the DASDEC II. EAS NET Decode allows EAS alerts to be
received over a network from another DASDEC II configured for EAS NET alert forwarding. EAS-Net is
Digital Alert Systems exclusive communications protocol software enabling EAS data and audio
transmission over a TCP/IP network for up to eight (8) EAS-Net compatible platforms. Also incorporates
multi-client DVS-168.

This software addition allows you to be able to originate/encode CAP alert messages.

Software addition allows you to originate/encode and forward a CAP alert message directly to the FEMA
