Digital Alert Systems DASDEC-II MANUAL User Manual

Page 88

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Digital Alert Systems: DASDEC User Manual


3. ENABLE Station Interface

This toggle allows the station to be enabled or disabled at any time. It must be checked (enabled)
for the station to be available for EAS alert play-out.

4. EAS Origination (ORG) Code

This selection box allows the ORG code for the station to be selected.

5. Use custom text for Origination code string. This toggle controls if custom phrase substitution

is to be used for the standard translation of the EAS ORG code.

6. Origination Station ID

This text field determines the EAS station ID used for the station during alert origination (as
opposed to alert forwarding). This ID appears in many other places on the DASDEC II user
interface where station references are made. It is encoded into the alert header audio when EAS
is originated on the station. This value is used in place of the Base station Encoder Origination
Station ID.

7. Multi-selection


One selection box interface is presented for choosing station level audio output ports during
origination. Other station level hardware control options for alert origination are combined with
multistation forwarding setup on the Setup > Decoder > Forwarding web page.
A convenient
shortcut link is provided to that page at the bottom of this interface section (see 8. below).

Changes made to audio output option take effect when the button



8. The shortcut link For other origination/forwarding station configuration options Goto: Setup

Decoder provides a quick shortcut to jump to the forwarding setup instance of the same station
configuration interface on the Setup > Decoder > Forwarding web page.

4.9.2 Required


The Setup Encoder > Required Tests sub-page is used to configure the DASDEC II for issuing pre-configured
Weekly Test alerts. Once configured, this feature allows the DASDEC II to send a Required Weekly test with a
single button push (from the Encoder > Send EAS > One-Button EAS page and from the Front Panel button) or
at a random time once a week.

NOTE: Changes made on this page effective IMMEDIATELY, except for time value
changes, for which you must click Accept Time Changes.

NOTE: Many more Multistation hardware control settings that are active during
origination are combined on the forwarding setup page. Make sure to review the station
setup interface on the Setup > Decoder > Forwarding page.

NOTE: This value can be different from the Forwarding Station ID. However, typically
these should be the SAME. In the Origination Station ID is edited and becomes different
from the Forwarding Station ID, the GUI will display a notice of the fact and provide a
shortcut active link to allow quick editing of the Forwarding Station ID.
