Digital Alert Systems DASDEC-II MANUAL User Manual

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Digital Alert Systems: DASDEC User Manual


Draw Mode –
Controls the appearance of the crawl displayed on the screen. Choose between a White
Character/Clear Background, White Character / Black Background, White Character / Half-tone
Background, or Black Character / White background.

Serial Point Flow Control –
Select Hardware or Software or None depending upon the hardware
support on the remote device.

Iterations –
Defaults to one. Crawl is done once. Set from 1 to 5.

Repeat Alert Video Display –
Defaults to Do Not Repeat
Select from a set of options for repeating the data write to the remote device after a pause period set
from the Set Alert Video Repetition Period field. The repeat period has to be at least 2 minutes.

10. BetaBrite LED Sign Attribute Settings

Immediate display upon matching decoded alert defaults to disabled. When enabled, matching FIPS
and EAS filtered alerts are crawled on the BetaBrite LED display upon decoding. When disabled,
matching FIPS and EAS filtered alerts are displayed upon origination and forwarding play-out. Use this
feature as a way to post a visual notification that an alert has been decoded.

Display Duration Control The duration of the BetaBrite crawl is set by selecting one of three Display
Duration Control radio button options. The duration can be set to the full alert duration, to the alert audio
duration, or to a custom duration.

There is a button to test the BetaBrite display, and one to stop the test. The test consists of crawling the
date and time for about 30 seconds.

11. Monroe Envoy

No attributes to set. This is only available on the Main Serial port.

12. BDI GPM-300 Matrix Switcher

Audio Channel Selections – switch these GPM300 channels to EAS during alert audio.

4.7.4 Video


The Video Output Configuration sub-page has three toggle boxes: Video Output, Serial controlled video duration,
and English to Spanish EAS Translation. DASDEC II-1EN can generate video output for originated and
forwarded alerts. When video output is generated, a set of details pages will be played out of the RCA video
output port on the back of the DASDEC II.


to apply changes to this page.

1. Video Output upon Alert Origination/Forwarding.

Use the checkbox to Enable or Disable the base station Video Output If licensed and the hardware support
is enabled; a DASDEC II can provide a full screen NTSC analog video display of the current originated or
forwarded alert.

Multistation mode note: When DASDEC II multistation mode is enabled, the Video Output toggle for each

NOTE: In current software, running the NTSC video details generator will slow down the
start of every alert by a few seconds as the video system is initialized from a VGA
console state to a video output state. Depending on the required timing of your on-air
system, this can be objectionable. Only enable DASDEC II NTSC video details output if it
is needed.
