Digital Alert Systems DASDEC-II MANUAL User Manual

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Digital Alert Systems: DASDEC User Manual


EAS NET decoded alerts are handled the same as alerts decoded from the audio inputs. Click the

button to save changes.

Setup > Net Alerts > EAS NET Configure EAS Decoding

2. EAS NET Web audio streaming

Discussion: EAS Net Client Web audio Streaming is included with the EAS NET license. This provides a
convenient way to stream live alert audio over a network. This is used primarily to provide live EAN/EAT audio
from EAS NET send to an EAS NET client device (including another DASDEC II). The stream is not an MPEG
transport stream. It is an http audio stream. Remote clients must actively load the URL for the stream in order
to play it. This can be done via most modern media players. A DASDEC II with EAS NET decode will
automatically use this audio stream as a live input for EAS audio as needed. Refer to the screen shot below.

EAS_NET Web (HTTP) Alert Audio streaming during alerts.
Enable this toggle to generate live web streamed audio during alerts. The default values of the options are
designed to work for EAN/EAT.

Audio Streaming on all alert types
This checkbox controls audio streaming for National Alerts (EAN/EAT) or all alert types. For testing
purposes, the toggle "Audio streaming on all alert types" can be enabled to allow all alert types to
have audio streaming. Make sure to use this button to test live audio for any remote DASDEC II EAS
NET decoder.

Audio Stream Format
You can select either OGG/Vorbis or MPEG Layer 3 (MP3) audio. For audio to a remote DASDEC II
EAS NET decoder, use OGG.

Audio Output Sample Rate Pull-down menu
The correct value for this depends upon the destination. For audio to a remote DASDEC II EAS NET
decoder, use the output sample rate selected on the remote DASDEC II. Choices are 16000, 32000,
44100, and 48000 samples/sec.

Pre-Alert audio/alert header/attention inclusion at start of audio stream.
Pre-Alert EOM Audio Streaming
These two toggle options are included for control of the total content of the alert audio that is streamed.
For purposes of this interface, alert audio consists of three parts: (1) Pre-Alert audio/EAS Alert FSK
header/Alert Attention signal, (2) Alert audio voice message, and (3) Alert FSK EOM audio. No matter
the choices, the second part, alert audio voice message, if it exists, is always streamed. Any
