Mitsubishi Motors DS5000TK User Manual

Page 138

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unaffected by this command.

byte to the requested register. The SL bit is unaf-

fected by this command. This command is discussed in
greater detail later in this section.


Set the Security Lock. Only the U and Z commands may
be given after the Security Lock is set.


Restarts most operations. N cannot be restarted.


These two characters provide flow control to the serial
loader. The serial loader will never issue them, but will
respond to both. Xoff (control–S, DS3, 0x13) requests
that character transmission stop. Xon (control–Q, DC1,
0x11) requests the resumption of transmission.


When using the Include command ‘I’, certain precau-
tions are needed, The CRCBIT (bit 0) of the CRC SFR
(C1h) must be set or the error message E:NOCRCB is
printed. The MSL bit must not be cleared (via loader) or
the error message E:NOTCOD is printed. If the PM bit
(bit 1) of the MCON SFR (C6h) is one, then
CRC_RANGE must be less than or equal to the pro-
gram Range, or else the error message E:BADRNG is

When storing an end system, it may not be desirable to
lithium–back RAM or a real–time clock. The Newness
command ‘N’ will accomplish this. When ‘N’ is issued,
the loader will prompt with CONFIRM: after the N is
entered. The user must type FRESH without any
spaces or deletes and terminate it with a carriage return
to put the part into freshness. The message DID NOT
CONFIRM is printed if a mistake is made while entering
FRESH; otherwise the message POWER DOWN TO
MAINTAIN FRESHNESS is printed. The ‘N’ command
should be the last function that is executed. After this,
the system should be powered down for storage. At this
time, the V


will be pulled low, removing power from

RAM or clock. The newness command may not be
executed when talking through the modem to the serial
loader. If it is attempted, the error message E:ILLCMD
is printed.

The DS5001FP and DS5002FP provide loader com-
mands to assist in system checkout. These are ‘G” Get
and ‘P’ Put. Get will read the values of all four I/O ports.
Put is used to write a value to a port. This allows a mea-
sure of hardware control while the device is effectively in
a reset state. If a port number other than 0, 1, 2, or 3 is
used, the error message E:BADREG is printed. Ports 0
and 2 may not be altered when talking to the loader
through the RPC interface. The error message
E:BADREG is printed if it is attempted. Bits 0 and 1 of
port 3 will always be written as ones when port 3 is
altered (serial port).

The DS5001FP/DS5002FP write command has more
options than the DS5000 version. Any of the following
registers/functions can be initialized using the loader.
VAL is written to the requested register. If an illegal reg-
ister name is entered, the error message E:BADREG is


This register selects the range over
which a power–on CRC will be per-
formed, and enables the process. Only
bits 0, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the CRC register
may be altered. Bits 1, 2, and 3 are left


Controls range, partition, and peripheral
selects, All but bit 0 of the MCON regis-
ter may be altered.


This bit allows the data space in a fixed
memory (non–partitionable) system to
be loaded using the loader software.
MSL only uses the low order bit of value
to change the MSL bit. In fixed partition
and 128K mode, if MSL equals 0, pro-
gram loads/verifies will go to data space.
Upon entry, MSL will be = 1. MSL has no
effect in user mode.


RPCTL only uses the low order bit of VAL
to change bit 0 of the RPCTL register.
The LSB of the RPCTL is also used to
determine the Range.

Only record types 00 (data) and 01 (end) may be
loaded. Other record types will cause the error mes-
sage E:BADREC to be printed out, but loading will con-
tinue with the next valid record. The last two bytes of
each record contain a checksum. This checksum is

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