2 run options, 3 datalogger response – Campbell Scientific RTDAQ Software User Manual

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Section 5. Program Creation and Editing


CR9000X’s and some other dataloggers in your RTDAQ Network Map.
When you send a CR9000X program, this screen will show only the two
CR9000X dataloggers. Any CR3000, CR1000, or CR5000 dataloggers will be
excluded from the list, even when they are defined in the network map,
because those dataloggers are not associated with CR9000X programs. Run Options

You may check the Run Now check box to run the program immediately after
it has been sent to the datalogger. You can choose whether or not to erase card
data files by selecting the appropriate option button. If you want the program
to start the next time the datalogger is powered up, check the corresponding
check box.

Checking the Compress File check box will send a renamed version of the
CRBasic program to the datalogger which has all unnecessary spaces,
indentation, and comments removed in order to minimize the file size. Datalogger Response

To send the file and perform the associated functions as you have selected in
the screen, press the Send button. If RTDAQ is not running an error message
will appear indicating that there is no communications server currently
running. If RTDAQ is running and the program compiles properly on the
hardware, you will receive a message indicating that the program is now
running on the datalogger. If something goes wrong when sending the
program, a message will appear indicating the error conditions. This may be a
hardware-level compile error or another failure as reported to the software by
the datalogger’s “program load and run” process.

Press Cancel if you do not wish to send the program to the datalogger.
