Campbell Scientific RTDAQ Software User Manual

Page 289

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Section 10. Utilities

Maximum column heading width is one less than the number entered in the
Default Column Width field. However, entering a number in the Width row
for the column will set the column width for an individual column. Any FSL
labels that are too long for Split column headings will be shown in red. They
should be edited before running Split. To edit one of the labels, press the
<Enter> key or use a mouse to copy, cut, and paste. A Report Heading can
also be entered using the same editing technique.

For table based data files the timestamp is normally the first column and is a
quoted text string ("2002-02-26 10:30:00"). To display these timestamps in
the output you will need to change the column width for the first column to at
least 24. If the column width is too small to accommodate the value output,
the string will be highlighted in red and preceded by an asterisk, with the
words “Bad Data” in the lower right corner when the file is processed.

