4 terminal tab – Campbell Scientific RTDAQ Software User Manual

Page 281

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Section 10. Utilities

10.2.4 Terminal Tab

The Terminal tab will be available when the application is connected to any
device type that can be communicated within a remote terminal mode. The
Terminal tab offers a terminal emulator that can be useful in accessing settings
or status information that are not exposed in other windows. For example, the
status table in a CR1000 can also be accessed via a “3” command in terminal
mode. This status information can provide important data for troubleshooting

The default for the Terminal tab is to only show characters that are returned
from the device. However, if the Echo Input check box is enabled, the screen
will also display the characters actually typed by the user.

The All Caps check box controls whether the keyboard input will be forced to
upper case before the characters are sent to the device. It will be disabled for
some device types that require upper case input.

