Time stretch using flex markers – Apple Logic Pro X User Manual

Page 389

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Chapter 14

Edit the timing and pitch of audio


Use the Speed algorithm


Choose Flex Time - Speed (FX) from the Flex pop-up menu.
Speed time stretches material by playing the source material faster or slower, including pitch
change. Because of the pitch shifting, this flex algorithm is mainly useful for percussive material,
but it can be used on all material for interesting creative effects.

Time stretch using flex markers

In the Tracks area, you edit the timing of audio material using flex markers. After adding flex
markers to an audio region, you use them to time stretch—compress or expand—the audio
material. The boundaries within which this is done are determined by the preceding and
following flex markers, or the region start and end positions if there are no preceding and
following flex markers.

You can also use transients in other audio regions as reference points, when dragging a flex
marker in an audio region.

Flex Time is also available in the Audio Track Editor, when Show Advanced Tools is selected in

the Advanced preferences pane.

Time stretch audio using a flex marker


Choose a Flex Time algorithm for the track.


Add a flex marker by doing one of the following:

Place the pointer over or beside a transient marker in the upper half of the waveform body
(note how the pointer changes), then click.
A flex marker is added on top of the transient marker.

Place the pointer in the upper half of the waveform body where there is no transient marker
(note how the pointer changes), then click.
A flex marker is added at the clicked position.
