Insert items in multiple regions, Edit multiple items in the score editor – Apple Logic Pro X User Manual

Page 616

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Chapter 20

View and edit music notation


Insert items in multiple regions

You can add notes and symbols from the Part box into all currently selected regions, at the same
position. This technique allows you to insert notes, symbols, and even text elements into several
regions at once.

When multiple regions are selected, the top line of the Event inspector shows the number of
selected staffs (regions).

Note: Key changes, signature changes, and global signs can’t be inserted into individual staffs.

Insert an item in multiple regions


In the Tracks area or Score Editor, select the regions into which you want to insert the item.


Hold down Shift, and do one of the following:

Drag the item from the Part box into one of the regions at the position where you want to
add it.

Click in one of the regions with the Pencil tool at the position where you want to add the item.

Edit multiple items in the Score Editor

When multiple items are selected in the Score Editor, the title of the Event inspector indicates the
number of selected items. If the selection is limited to only notes, chords, or text objects, the title
also indicates the type of item selected.

If parameter fields are visible while multiple events are selected, their values can be edited
simultaneously. The “*” value in a parameter field indicates that the selected items have different
values. In this case, there are two options for editing these values: Relative change (preserving
relative differences between parameter values) and Absolute change (setting all parameters to
an equal value).

You can set the vertical and horizontal position of all selected items to the same value, using any
of the following key commands:

Align Object Positions Vertically

Align Object Positions Horizontally

Align Object Positions (affects both parameters)

These key commands set all items to the value of the first selected item. If only one item is
selected, a dialog asks if the parameters of all similar objects should be set to the same value.
This technique is very useful for aligning lyrics and chord symbols, for example.

Change the relative values of multiple items
Do one of the following:


Grab the “*” with the pointer, then use the pointer as a slider.
The value shown during this process belongs to the first of the selected objects. The other
objects are altered by the same amount (while retaining their relative values).


Double-click the value, then insert the change (a number with a plus or minus in front of it) in
the entry field.
