Chapter 18: use smart controls, Smart controls overview, 545 smart controls overview – Apple Logic Pro X User Manual

Page 545: Use smart controls

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Smart Controls overview

Smart Controls let you control the sound of the selected track using a set of onscreen controls.
Smart Controls can control both channel strip and plug-in parameters, including software
instruments (on software instrument tracks) and effects (on audio, software instrument, and
Drummer tracks). Smart Controls provide a quicker alternative to opening plug-in windows and
adjusting individual parameters.

Each Smart Control has a set of screen controls. Adjusting a single screen control can change one
or more parameters for the track’s channel strip, instrument, and effect plug-ins. Screen controls
are labeled to help you understand which aspect of the sound each one affects.

Smart Controls typically include EQ or tone controls, reverb and other effect controls, and
controls specific to the type of track or instrument. For example, the Smart Control for a
synthesizer might include screen controls for choosing the waveform and adjusting the
resonance and filter cutoff, while one for a string instrument might include controls for changing
the articulation.

To work with Smart Controls, you open the Smart Controls pane.

When Show Advanced Tools is selected in the Advanced preferences pane, you can change

the layout for a Smart Control, map screen controls and edit mappings, rename screen controls,
and assign external controllers to screen controls in the Smart Control inspector.

Open the Smart Controls pane in the main window


Select a track, then click the Smart Controls button .

Open the Smart Controls as a separate window


Choose Window > Open Smart Controls.

Use Smart Controls

