Choose score sets, Create and delete score sets – Apple Logic Pro X User Manual

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Chapter 20

View and edit music notation


Choose score sets

You can view available score sets and instruments in the Filter pop-up menu in the inspector.
For new projects, the only available score set is All Instruments, which displays all instruments
(depending on the display level).

Choose a score set


Choose a score set from the Filter pop-up menu at the top of the inspector.

The display of a score set depends on the display mode. Because Content Link and Content
Catch display only one region at a time, it’s usually best to set the Link mode to Off, once the
desired score set is fully displayed. If only one MIDI region is displayed, double-click below the
staff, which displays the full score; then set the Link mode to Off. For information about Link
mode, see

Control window relationships using Link mode


Tip: You can open multiple Score Editor windows, each showing different display levels and
different score sets.

Create and delete score sets

When you open a Score Editor window while several regions are selected in the Tracks area,
Logic Pro automatically creates a score set containing the instruments of the selected regions.
You can also create a score set in the Score Sets window. Score sets you create are saved with
the project.

Create an empty score set


Choose New > New Empty Set in the Score Sets window.

You can insert instruments into the empty score set, one at a time.

Create a copy of the selected score set


Choose New > Duplicate Set in the Score Sets window.

Create a score set for selected instruments


Select at least one MIDI region for all software instrument tracks you want to include in the

score set.


Choose Layout > Create Score Set from Selection (or use the corresponding key command) in

the Score Editor.

A new score set is created and displayed, which consists of all instruments used by the currently
selected MIDI regions. Score sets created this way are automatically named after the instruments
they contain.
