MTS Acumen User Manual

Page 83

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Force and displacement limits must be turned on to be active.

Failure to turn on limits after setting them can result in equipment damage or injury.

Always ensure that the limit indicators are blue (indicating active) and not grey (indicating not
active) after setting limits.

Specimen Limits

Specimen limits are generally lower than fixture limits. There are specimen limits for both displacement
and force. Each of these are set on the right side of the virtual machines found in the Situational Awareness

Station Specimen Limits

Specimen displacement limits can be set to avoid damage to the specimen. A common use of specimen
displacement limits is to set the limit so that the open grip cannot contact or bottom out on the end of the
specimen. Set specimen displacement limits on the right side of the virtual machine in the Situational
Awareness panel.

Specimen force limits are generally set to values just outside those of the test you are running. For example,
if tests are expected to see maximum forces of ±250 N, you might set your specimen limits to ±300 N. This
would trip a limit and set an interlock if the force in the test exceeded the expected values. It is common
practice to always set specimen force limits.

MTS Acumen

| 83

Key Concepts
