MTS Acumen User Manual

Page 86

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You set specimen limits on the right side of the virtual frame to protect the specimen.

Example Fixture Limit Window

Sensor Limits

You set limit detectors for force and displacement sensor input signals for protecting fixturing and the
specimen. Each sensor has a high and a low limit which you can enable separately. When a sensor exceeds
(or trips) its upper or lower limit, the selected detector action occurs.

Detector Actions

The effect a tripped detector has on the system depends on the action you select. The action may result
in the actuator stopping in place under power (C-Stop), the removal of power from the motor (Interlock),
the program stopping (Program Stop), and various other actions you can select.

Controlled-Stop (C-Stop) Interlock

In most cases, the default action assignment is Controlled-Stop. The Controlled Stop interlock causes the
controller to switch into Stable Displacement mode and prohibits subsequent actuator movement; that is,
the actuator will be held in the position it was in when the Controlled-Stop interlock was triggered.
Additionally, the power level will remain as it was prior to triggering the interlock (off, low, or high).

For more information about Controlled-Stop Interlocks, see

C-Stop (Controlled Stop) Interlock Action



Setting Limits for Specimen Installation

Before installing the specimen, it is best practice to set upper and lower force limit detectors to levels that
protect the specimen from damage, and to set the action to Controlled-Stop. For instance, in the Example
Spring Test, before you install the specimen you set the maximum compressive force to -50 N (-0.05kN)
to minimize the risk of specimen damage.

86 | MTS Acumen

Key Concepts
