Metrohm 828 IC Dual Suppressor User Manual

Page 29

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2.5 Connecting to the 761 Compact IC

828 IC Dual Suppressor/ 8.828.1003 Instructions for Use


• Open the instrument control with a double-click on the instrument

symbol of the Compact IC.

If your system is not yet connected to your workplace then the left-hand
window will open, otherwise the right-hand window will open. In each
case the procedure is the same:

• Set the value for Remote Line 1 to 1.

• Save the setting with "Save".

The 828 IC Dual Suppressor is now included in the system and will be
controlled by the 761 PC Software 1.1. The 828 IC Dual Suppressor will
be started as soon as your system is connected to the workplace and
will be shut down together with the 761 Compact IC hardware with

System/Control/Shutdown hardware.
