Threshold control, Ratio control, Attack control – Metric Halo Production Bundle User Manual

Page 102: Release control, 102 ratio control, 102 attack control, 102 release control, Compressor controls

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Figure 21.3: Compressor Controls

Threshold Control

The “Thresh” knob controls the level at which the de-esser begins to process audio. When the detector level
is below the threshold level no processing takes place. When the detector level is above the threshold level,
the gain is reduced at a ratio set by the Ratio control.

The threshold level is also indicated by the red bar above the input meter. You can adjust the threshold level
using this indicator as well as by using the “Thresh” knob.

Ratio Control

The “Ratio” knob controls the ratio used to compute the gain reduction of the compressor.

Attack Control

The “Attack” knob allows you to adjust how quickly the gain reduction is decreased to 0 dB when the detector
level goes below the threshold level. The maximum value is 100 milliseconds.

Release Control

The “Release” knob controls the release time of the compressor. This parameter is measured in milliseconds
and can range from 10 ms to 1000 ms. The release time controls how quickly the compressor closes after the
detector drops below the threshold value.
