Ess band transfer function, Spectragraph analyzer, 99 spectragraph analyzer – Metric Halo Production Bundle User Manual

Page 99: 99 20.8. spectragraph display, Spectrafoo™ spectrum analysis

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Ess Band Transfer Function

Figure 20.7: Ess Band Transfer Function

The ess band transfer function is a combination of a visual representation of how the de-esser is processing
the signal and an intuitive controller for the associated filter. This display is sometimes called a “Cartesian
Graph” by other manufacturers.

The horizontal axis provides frequency calibration in Hertz (Hz). The vertical axis provides level calibration
in decibels (dBr). The heavy green line indicates the shape of the filter. The center frequency is represented by
a large dot in the transfer function with two smaller dots flanking it.

Clicking on the large dot and dragging will allow you to adjust the center frequency. Mac

⌥ (Option)–click

or Windows

Alt the dot to adjust the bandwidth (dragging right increases the bandwidth, left decreases the

bandwidth). Click and drag the smaller dots associated with a larger dot to adjust the filter bandwidth.

To dismiss the filter curve, click anywhere in the black area of the transfer function. This will deselect the filter
point, and the only trace displayed will be the green master curve.

Spectragraph Analyzer

Clicking the SpectraFoo™ logo in the upper right hand corner of the transfer function will activate the spec-
tragraph, showing the realtime frequency analysis of your signal:

Figure 20.8: Spectragraph Display
