Disk space usage, Memory requirements, Processor requirements – HP zl User Manual

Page 11: Single system installation

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hp toptools for openview nnm

user guide

Browser Settings

To configure the browser on your management platform:
1. Set your browser to exclude using a proxy to access your toptools server. This can be done for your entire

domain or just for the server depending on your network requirements.

IE 401.SP2:

Internet Options => Connections => Advanced => Exceptions

IE 5.0:

Tools => Internet Options => Connections => LAN Settings => Advanced


Edit => Preferences => Advanced => Proxies => Manual => View

2. On IE, check Bypass proxy server for local addresses as well as entering the domain in the Exceptions list on

the Advanced configuration page.

3. The URL to the management server should include your domain:


4. Always accept cookies and always refresh new page.

It is also helpful to set your browser to check for newer versions of stored pages on every visit to the page.

To verify correct operation of browser connection to the toptools server, perform the following test:

1. Launch toptools from your browser (the URL to the toptools server should include your domain (e.g.,


2. The product will start up. If you set up NTFS on the management server, and set your IIS to BASIC security

(required for using Netscape), you will be challenged for your username and password (domain\username for

1.3.5 Disk Space Usage

The platform bridge uses approximately 5 MB on the NNM system and the server bridge uses 1 MB on the toptools
system. (6 MB for single system installation.)

1.3.6 Memory Requirements

HP Toptools for OpenView NNM uses approximately 4 MB of memory in background processes on the NNM
system, and approximately 2 MB of memory on the toptools server. If both NNM-NT/WINDOWS 2000 and
toptools are installed on the same system along with the bridge, the system should have a minimum of 256 MB. If
you are managing a large number of devices (>4000) you should have a minimum of 320 MB (see section 11).

1.3.7 Processor Requirements

The requirements for the bridge are the same as the requirements for NNM and toptools. If both NNM-
NT/WINDOWS 2000 and toptools are installed on the same system, a minimum of a 300 MHz Pentium is suggested
for adequate performance. For additional requirements for managing large networks refer to section 11.

1.3.8 Single System Installation

The toptools server may be installed on the same system as the NNM-NT/Windows 2000 server (HP Toptools is not
supported on HP-UX or Sun Solaris); however, it is important that such a system have memory and disk space
adequate for both programs. A minimum of 256 MB of memory is required for such a system, with higher amounts
recommended. Beyond the disk space requirements of NNM and toptools, an additional 10 MB of disk space is
required for HP Toptools for OpenView NNM.

Note that the toptools action items "Device View", "SNMP Trap Configuration" and “Update firmware” for hubs
are only available when the toptools server is installed on the same system as HP OpenView NNM-NT. Because of
performance and configuration complexity, it is strongly recommended that you not install HP Toptools and NNM-
NT/WINDOWS 2000 on the same system unless you require single system operation.


