Setting up the printer driver, Setting up windows 2000/xp/2003, Using the ok, cancel and help buttons – FARGO electronic HDPii User Manual

Page 197: Setting up the printer driver -10, Setting up windows 2000/xp/2003 -10, Using the ok, cancel and help buttons -10

Setting up the printer driver, Setting up windows 2000/xp/2003, Using the ok, cancel and help buttons | Setting up the printer driver -10, Setting up windows 2000/xp/2003 -10, Using the ok, cancel and help buttons -10 | FARGO electronic HDPii User Manual | Page 197 / 373 Setting up the printer driver, Setting up windows 2000/xp/2003, Using the ok, cancel and help buttons | Setting up the printer driver -10, Setting up windows 2000/xp/2003 -10, Using the ok, cancel and help buttons -10 | FARGO electronic HDPii User Manual | Page 197 / 373