See also – Znyx Networks bh5700 User Manual

Page 334

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files run the Surviving Partner. This is a list of all configuration and script files:


The main startup script that starts the Surviving Partner by
running zconfig, ifconfig, zlmd and vrrpd. zspconfig prompts

the user to run this script. This file can be saved with
zsync to automatically start the Surviving Partner at switch


Configuration script for the VRRP daemon. This configuration

is used when the S70Surviving_partner script launches vrrpd.
There is a line in this file for each router address vrrpd

will manage. Or stated another way, each virtual_address
command in the zspconfig configuration file results in a line

in vrrpd.conf.

zspconfig configuration file that contains the configuration

of the sibling backup switches. The <n> is used to
distinguish potentially more than one backup switch. This

configuration file is placed in /tftpboot, and is retrieved
via DHCP by a replacement switch on boot up.


Configuration script used by dhcpd when the switch becomes
master. dhcpd is used to serve replacement switches their

configuration scripts. Namely a zsp_DC.conf file that can be
input to the zspconfig with the -u flag.


If zspconfig is executed with the -u flag, a dhclient.conf
file is created, and then dhclient is used to retrieve a

zspconfig configuration file from the /tftpboot area of the
Master switch.


Runtime script that executes each time the vrrpd changes
state. This script starts and stops dhcpd, and toggles down

bonding driver/RAINlink ports to force the nodes to a new
Master switch.


Runtime script executed by zlmd when a link goes up or down.
This script modifies the priority of vrrpd, which in turn may

cause the VRRP Master to move from one sibling switch to


zconfig, ifconfig, vrrpd, dhclient, dhcpd, zpeer

Ethernet Switch Blade User's Guide

release 3.2.2j

page 334
