Selecting channels – MoTeC ACL VIM User Manual

Page 56

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ACL Manager Software

Predefining these properties makes the channels easy to use throughout the
rest of the software. Knowing the measurement type allows the channels to
be displayed in any unit suitable for that type, with automatic conversion
between the units. For example all temperature channels can be displayed in
degrees Celsius, Fahrenheit or Kelvin.

Channel Names & Abbreviations

The channel names may be changed if necessary. However name changes
should be limited to name preferences rather than redefining the purpose of
the channel, except for the general purpose channels which may be renamed
to suit the current use.

Channel Units

The units for a channel can be selected from a predefined list, for example the
Engine Temperature channel may have units of degrees Celsius, Fahrenheit
or Kelvin. Conversion between units is automatically handled by the software.

Note The units are used for display purposes only. This means that the units
can be changed at any time without affecting the calibration of the channel.

Channel Resolution

The resolution of all channels is fixed, for example the resolution of the
Engine Temperature channel is fixed at 0.1 °C.

Fixed channel resolutions ensure that the unit conversion system works
properly and that channel comparisons can be performed correctly.

Selecting Channels

There are two methods of selecting channels, either the Category Method or
the Search Method.

Category Method

This method divides all the channels into categories and sub categories, so
that the list can be narrowed down to a small list of channels. For example,
the ‘Engine Sensors / Cooling’ category shows a list of channels associated
with the cooling system of the engine.

When selecting a channel from the complete list of channels, it is usually
easiest to use the category selection method, for example when assigning a
channel to an input pin.
