Using the define string menu – Rockwell Automation 5370-UPK CVIM USER-PAK Option User Manual

Page 64

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Chapter 7

Creating Custom Runtime Displays


Note: All strings for a selected viewport are displayed on the screen.
The currently selected string is displayed in red, others are green.
Portions of red (current) and green (other) strings which overlap are
displayed in yellow.

Enter or modify the string text for the selected string using the string
entry keyboard – this appears when you pick the

Enter (



String Text

box. The string text not only includes string contents, but can

include codes for string positioning, string color, line drawing, and other
options (see Chapter 8 for more information on elements of string text).

String entry keyboard

Enter String Text box

Using the

Define String

menu, define each string further (see the

following section).

Using the

Define String


To further define a string you are creating, select the

Define String

box to

display the

Define String


Define String box

Define String menu items

Note: The

Define String

box is disabled until at least one character of string

text has been entered for the selected string (see Chapter 8 for information on
entering string text).
