Developing a time pattern – Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk Scheduler Users Guide User Manual

Page 126

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3 hours, the machine would be available and processing at a 90% rate (capacity of 1 and
efficiency of 0.9). For the last 9 hours, the machine would be unavailable (capacity of 0).

Developing a time pattern

We’ll lead you through the development of time patterns using those
included with the tutorial systems. Let’s start with the capacity time
pattern for our Singular resources. First you need to select the
Database > Time Pattern > Time Pattern Editor menu option.
Under the Time Pattern section of the Time Pattern Editor window,
you should have the following two folders, BizBikes 5 and Sample

Time Patterns. The time patterns in the BizBikes 5 folder are used in the BizBikes
example. The time patterns in the Sample Time Patterns folder are used as illustrations in
the Help topics. You may also have additional time patterns in your application, but we’ll
only deal with these five. If you want to develop a new time pattern, you would place your
cursor on one of the entries in the Time Pattern section and right-click. The menu (shown
at the left) will appear, from which you would select the New Time Pattern menu option.

You might note that the Delete menu option is grayed out if you selected one of our
included patterns. This is because they are currently attached to the resources in our
model. If you unattached one of these time patterns from all resources to which it is
currently attached, this menu option would become available.

For now you just need to click on the Shift 1 time pattern, which will cause the right
portion of the window to display its properties, as shown below.
