Bio-Rad SmartSpec Plus Spectrophotometer User Manual

Page 40

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After all replicates of standard #1 are measured, SmartSpec Plus asks for the concentration
of standard #2 and directs you to put the replicates into SmartSpec Plus one at a time until
all are read.

This process continues until all replicates of all standards have been read.

When collecting data for construction of the standard curve, SmartSpec Plus does not
display the absorbance data, but you may view by pressing Abs. If you press Abs, you
must indicate if you want the reading of the current replicate or if you want the mean and
standard deviation of the current replicate group. All standard absorbance data can also be
printed at the end of the assay.

Press the left arrow key to view the absorbance of the last replicate.


Press the right arrow key to view the mean and standard deviation of the absorbance
of current replicate group.

Next SmartSpec Plus will prompt for the units of concentration. Your standards must
all have the same units. You will only be prompted for units after the first standard.


Press the right arrow key to return to the assay.

After the last replicate of the last standard is measured, SmartSpec Plus will construct
the standard curve. Skip ahead to C.


<=Show last replicate

>=Show mean and std dev

A750 =

Std #1 Rep #2 >=Continue

A750 = +-

Std #1 Mean >=Continue

Enter concentration of

Standard #2: __________

Insert Rep #1 of Std #2

and PRESS Read Sample

Insert Rep #9 of Std #1

and PRESS Read Sample
