2 recuperator at double coil, 3 rotating recuperator – EVCO c-pro kilo AHU User Manual

Page 72

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Pag. 72

After the delay Pr05 the by-pass shutter will activate in oder to allow for defrosting. When
the temperature rises above the allowable value the shutter will deactivate while the
recuperator restarts.

Note. It is necessary to set the position of the digital output of the recuperators by-pass
shutter using the parameter dedicated to the recuperator, Hr01. When the regulation probes
are in error this function is disabled.

6.12.2 Recuperator at double coil

In order to utilize this recuperator set PG13=2. The recuperator at double coil is activated
using the circulation pump (of fluid exchange) between the two coils. In order to limit the
pumps energy consumption, the activation will be managed by the difference between the
expulsion air temperature and external air temperature (parameter Pr01 and relative
differential Pr02). The circulation pump will stop during the free-cooling and free-heating

This recuperator does not require its minimum expulsion temperature to be regulated since
frost will not accumulate inside the coil.

Note. It is necessary to set the position of the digital output of the recuperator, using the
dedicated parameter, Hr01. The external temperature probe must also be enabled
(PH40=1). When the regulation probes are in error this function is disabled.

6.12.3 Rotating Recuperator

In this case the recuperator can be regulated in two different ways: On/Off (PG13=3), or
with an analogue output (PG13=4) and is only active when the fans are turned on.
The recuperator will be deactivated during the free-cooling and free-heating phases.

PG13=3. Regulation On/Off

Pr01: Set Point Recuperator


| T.Expulsion – T.External |

Pr02: Diff.


Pr01: Set Point Recuperator


| T.Expulsion – T.External |

Pr02: Diff.

