Using a sequence to generate a table, Example: fibonacci sequence – Texas Instruments PLUS TI-89 User Manual

Page 168

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Chapter 9: Sequence Graphing 151

09SEQUEN.DOC TI-89/TI-92 Plus: Sequence Graphing (English) Susan Gullord Revised: 02/23/01 10:59 AM Printed: 02/23/01 2:14 PM Page 151 of 14

In a Fibonacci sequence, the first two terms are 1 and 1. Each
succeeding term is the sum of the two immediately preceding terms.

1. On the Y= Editor


¥ # ), define the

sequence and set the
initial values as shown.

2. Set table parameters


¥ & ) to:

tblStart = 1


tbl = 1

Independent =


3. Set Window variables


¥ $ ) so that


has the same

value as



4. Display the table


¥ ' ).

5. Scroll down the table

(D or 2 D) to see
more of the sequence.

Using a Sequence to Generate a Table

Previous sections described how to graph a sequence. You
can also use a sequence to generate a table. Refer to
Chapter 13 for detailed information about tables.

Example: Fibonacci

Fibonacci sequence
is in column 2.

You must enter {1,1}, although {1 1}
is shown in the sequence list.

This item is dimmed if you are not
using TIME axes.

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