Controlling the flow of a program, Using indentation, Displaying calculated results – Texas Instruments PLUS TI-89 User Manual

Page 300: Getting values into a program

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Chapter 17: Programming 283

17PROGRM.DOC TI-89/TI-92 Plus: Programming (English) Susan Gullord Revised: 02/23/01 1:14 PM Printed: 02/23/01 2:18 PM Page 283 of 40

When you run a program, the program lines are executed in
sequential order. However, some commands alter the program flow.
For example:


Control structures such as


commands use a conditional

test to decide which part of a program to execute.


Loops commands such as


repeat a group of


For more complex programs that


and loop structures

such as


, you can make

the programs easier to read and
understand by using indentation.

:If x>5 Then
: Disp "x is > 5"
: Disp "x is < or = 5"

In a program, calculated results are not displayed unless you use an
output command. This is an important difference between
performing a calculation on the Home screen and in a program.

These calculations will not display
a result in a program (although they
will on the Home screen).

:12ù 6


:solve(x^2ì xì 2=0,x)

Output commands such as



display a result in a program.

:Disp 12ù 6
:Disp cos(


:Disp solve(x^2ì xì 2=0,x)

Displaying a calculation result does
not store that result. If you need to
refer to a result later, store it to a


p/4)! maximum

:Disp maximum

To input values into a program, you can:


Require the users to store a value (with § ) to the necessary
variables before running the program. The program can then refer
to these variables.


Enter the values directly into
the program itself.

:Disp 12ù 6

p/4)! maximum


Include input commands that
prompt the users to enter the
necessary values when they
run the program.

:Input "Enter a value",i
:Request "Enter an integer",n


Require the users to pass one
or more values to the
program when they run it.


Controlling the Flow
of a Program

Tip: For information, refer to
pages 295 and 297.

Using Indentation

Calculated Results

Tip: For a list of available
output commands, refer to
page 302.

Getting Values into
a Program

Tip: For a list of available
input commands, refer to
page 301.

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