MTS Series 793 User Manual

Page 195

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Accel Tab Settings



Sets the polarity of the acceleration compensation signal:


Normal—In most cases, the Normal setting sets the acceleration
compensation signal 180 degrees out of phase with the load signal.

In some applications, the accelerometer may be mounted so that its
signal is in phase with the load signal. For these applications, set the
Polarity to Invert.

Invert—Inverts the phase of the acceleration signal.

This unitless gain setting controls the gain applied to the acceleration
signal before it reaches the summing amplifier. The summing amplifier

Gain (Mass)

sums the load-cell signal with the accelerometer signal (that is 180
degrees out-of-phase with the load-cell signal).

Typically, this control is set while the system runs without a specimen
attached. In this instance, any load read by the load cell is caused by
the acceleration of the load cell. While looking at the load signal on the
scope, adjust the Accel Gain setting until the load signal reaches an
acceptable minimum.

This control inserts a delay block into the DUC path.

Relative Delay

Note:Delaying the load cell by a significant amount will have an
impact on control stability.

Available for Model FlexTest 40, 60, 100, and 200 controllers.

Service Port Output

Makes signals from the Model 494.21 Elastomer DUC available from
the Model 494.40 I/O Carrier card’s Service connector.

A/D Input—Conditioned feedback signal from the DUC portion of the
Model 494.16.

+ Ex Voltage—The excitation sense voltage delivered to the transducer.

Preamp Output—(load cell bridge output) x (preamp gain)

Sumamp Output—The sum of the load cell signal minus the Accel
Comp signal.

Buffered Accel Comp—A buffered version of the Accel comp signal.

Accel Comp—The acceleration signal (with Accel Comp gain) applied
to the input of the summing amp.

Current Accel (Acc 1)—The signal from a current-source accelerometer
before the Accel Comp gain is applied.

Bridge Accel (Acc 2)—The signal from a bridge-type accelerometer
before the Accel Comp gain is applied.

These selections are saved with the parameter set.

MTS Series 793 Control Software 195

Station Setup
