Gilderfluke&Co 16 Bit CD-Quality Digital Audio Systems User Manual

Page 18

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Ignore early starts.


Jump Forward: Go immediately to the beginning of the next spiel.


Store: Ignore the early start for now, but save and do it as soon as the current spiel is done.
This can save requests approximately ten deep before overflowing.

When a AB/DR-3000 is first turned on, it checks the conditions of all the inputs, inverts them, and

then uses these to make the first checks of the inputs. What this allows you to do is to set any command
to happen when the AB/DR-3000 is first turned on. The most common example of this featureÕs use is
when you need the AB/DR-3000 to start looping as soon as power is applied. All you need to do is set
any one input to START and LOOP on the falling edge and the AB/DR-3000 will start playing as soon as
power is applied. This will work as long as there isnÕt a real input coming in on the input you have select-
ed for this function.






Each AB/DR-3000 has two optically isolated status outputs. These are the open collector outputs of a

pair of darlington output optoisolators. They can be used for driving LEDs, solid state relays, and similar
low-current loads directly. Any heavier loads will require a relay.

These outputs can be configured to:


Activate when the right channel of the AB/DR-3000 is playing a spiel.


Activate when the left channel of the AB/DR-3000 is playing a spiel.


Pulse momentarily, turn on or turn off at a specific time during a spiel.


Pulse once per second, minute, hour or every twenty-four hours. This option is only available
when the real time clock option has been installed.






Each AB/DR-3000 has eight 0-10 volt analog inputs which can be used for adjusting a variety of vol-

ume and mix functions dynamically. On the DR-3000s, the eight inputs are bused between all the DR-
3000s through the card cage and brought out to a standard 1/2 J6/A connector. This allows up to eight
different analog signals to be sent to all the DR-3000s in a card cage.

On AB-3000 AudioBricks, there are only two of the eight analog inputs which are brought out to the

screw terminals on the outside of the case. The other six inputs are still available inside the case if you
need them.

The input impedance on these inputs is 10 Kohms, and they are protected against slightly overvolt-

age signals. The input resistors can be modified if a different control voltage range is required.

DMX-512 I



The DMX-512 standard was developed by the United States Institute for Theatrical Technology (USITT)

for a high speed (250 KBaud asynchronous) serial link. Although it was originally designed for controlling
light dimmers, it is now supported by hundreds of suppliers throughout the world for controlling all kinds
of theatrical equipment. Along with the direct analog or digital outputs, all PC¥MACs systems come with
a DMX-512 compatible output. The Analog Smart Brick can be used to generate a DMX-512 output from
a Smart Brick System.

You can set AB/DR-3000s to listen to any four DMX-512 addresses between 0 and 255 (00h to FFh).

One DMX-512 channel can be set to mirror the eight optically isolated trigger inputs. In that way, any
function you could trigger with the external inputs can also be triggered through the DMX-512. Any
channels that arenÕt being used for triggering can be used to adjust the volumes and mixes on the

The DMX-512 input to a Repeater is disabled whenever SMPTE IN, SMPTE OUT or IR MODE are being

used. They all use the same serial ports and timers.

Even though the DMX-512 standard calls for 512 channels of data, the DMX transmission from a

PC¥MACs Animation Control System is limited to 256 eight bit wide channels. Addresses above the 256th
are used in PC¥MACs for transmitting a checksum. The AB/DR-3000 can use this to verify that the data
received from PC¥MACs has no transmission errors in it. If you address a light dimmer or other DMX-512
device to addresses 256 or 257, you will see this verification data displayed as a flickering pattern. This



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. 91502-2102 ¥ 818/840-9484 ¥



