Gilderfluke&Co 16 Bit CD-Quality Digital Audio Systems User Manual

Page 44

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DR-3000 will respond to. When a channel is responding to a PA request, its output is set to the ÔHalf
MutedÕ level, and the audio from the appropriate Digital Audio Bus channel is routed to that output. PA
zones enabled for the Left or Right channel will each use up one of the four Digital Audio Bus connec-
tions available on each DR-3000



Priorities for each channel are set by the order in which zones are entered on this menu. PA zones

that are in the first slots will take precedence over those that are farther down the list.

These two commands are slightly different than most others. The <ESC>ape key will not work to exit

the command if you enter it inadvertently. You have to make all eight entries once this command is
started. To clear a single entry, you can either type a <carriage return> by itself or enter 255/FFh.

The PA System uses the first sixteen channels of the first bank of the Digital Audio Buss. If mixing is

being done using any buss channel from the second bank (61 through 120), then the DR-3000 is set to
use the second bank and the PA selections will be unavailable.

Be careful when entering PA zones that both the PA system and DR-3000 are using the same num-

bering system! As of this writing, all PA zone entry in the PA system is by HEX numbers. If the DR-3000 is
set to use decimal numbering, it will give you fits trying to figure out why it is not responding to the PA
zones you have set.




This command allows you to select from the other menus:


Main Menu. This brings you back to this menu.


Triggers. If mono ROMs are installed, it will ask if you want to setup the Left or Right Triggers.


SMPTE Setup. This is where you enter the SMPTE triggers for starting spiels. This menu is available
only if you have selected the SMPTE IN mode for the repeater.


Clock. This is where you setup the eight possible schedules, tolls, and set the clock. This menu
is available only if the Real Time Clock option has been installed on the AB/DR-3000.


Volume. This is where you set up the Digital Audio Bus and volumes.


Status Outputs. This is where you setup what the two status outputs do.


Diagnostics. This displays the status of the mutes zones, switch, analog, and DMX inputs.



Reload Defaults:

This command is used to reload the default conditions for:


Just the variables set on the main menu of the AB/DR-3000.


All defaults for the entire AB/DR-3000 repeater.

All of the defaults for all of the menus can also be loaded from the front panel by depressing both

the up and down keys simultaneously as power is first applied to the AB/DR-3000.



eXit Setup Mode:

This command is used to exit the setup mode. If you hit this command in error, hitting an <ESC>ape

key will get you back to the menu.

For compatibility with other products that might be on the same RS-422 serial network, this com-

mand asks you to enter a ÔYÕ or ÔNÕ. This lets them know that the setup mode has been exited on this
card. If you hit this command by mistake, then you can hit the <ESC>ape key to get back to where you
were before.

All other AB/DR-3000 and Brick Brains in the same serial network have their serial ports disabled while

any card in the system is in setup mode. This is the only command to which they will respond. After the



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The Left channel PA requests use the third Digital Audio Bus channel, and the Right channel uses

the fourth.
